Physical Education

"Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." ~ John F. Kennedy

Students in PK-6th grade receive Physical Education instruction at White Oaks.  The Profile of a Virginia Graduate and FCPS Portrait of a Graduate attributes align directly with the Physical Education curriculum.  

Students will explore and expand on VDOE Standards:

  • Motor Development
    • Demonstrate competence in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities
      • Non-locomotor skills, Locomotor Skills, Throwing, Catching, Striking, Volleying, Dribbling with hand, Dribbling with foot, Rhythmic movements, Educational gymnastics
  • Anatomical Basis of Movement
    • Apply knowledge of the structures and functions of the body and how they relate to and are affected by human movement to learning and developing motor skills and specialized movement forms
      • Bones, Muscles, Joints
  • Fitness Planning
    • Understand how to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of personal fitness
      • Perform self-assessment, develop personal goals, create FITT plan, practice, reassess, and reflect
  • Social and Emotional Development
    • Demonstrate the aptitude, attitude, and skills to lead responsible, fulfilling, and respectful lives
      • Exhibit safe practices, integrity, inclusion, emotional regulation, and etiquette within a variety of activities  
  • Energy Balance
    • Explain the importance of energy balance and the nutritional needs of the body to maintain optimal health and prevent chronic disease
      • Understanding food groups, macronutrients, calories,