Student Testing
Students at White Oaks are assessed in many areas throughout the year. Parents will receive a notification about the testing their child will have as well as the results of each test. Parents will have access in ParentVue to see testing results.
If you have questions please reach out to your child's teacher or testing coordinator contacts above. Learn more about student testing in FCPS.
Types of Assessments
Standards of Learning
The Standards of Learning (SOL) for Virginia Public Schools establish minimum expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade or course in English, mathematics, science, history/social science, technology, the fine arts, foreign language, health/physical education and driver education.
Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System
The Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) assesses alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, encoding/decoding, oral reading fluency, and language.
Early Mathematics Assessment System
The Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS) ensures each student has an interview with teacher to assess the student's early numeracy skills.
Child Behavior Rating Scale
The Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS) measures the teacher’s perception of student's self-regulation and social skills. The rating skill looks at student’s behavior with other children and adults, as well as their engagement with materials and tasks in the classroom.
The iReady Reading and Math assessments are used as a screening and growth tool to help teachers understand students' strengths and areas for support.
Cognitive Abilities Test & Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and Nagliari Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT) are assessments that are used when screening students for advanced academic programs. They are used as part of the screening process; however, testing results are only one of the many data points used to make AAP service decisions.
Social-Emotional Learner Screener
The Social-Emotional Learner (SEL) Screener helps students evaluate how they well their school community makes them feel valued, included and supported.
Integrated Reading & Writing Assessment
The Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) SOL is a state required assessment for all students in 5th grade. The assessment presents students with a nonfiction passage based on science or history content.
Measure of Academic Progress
The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth assessments help teachers monitor the progress of every student in learning the content knowledge and skills of the state standards, regardless of their starting point.
IOWA Algebra Aptitude Test
The IOWA Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) is an assessment that is used when determining course placement for Algebra 1 Honors in Grade 7. This is only one component of the course placement process. The assessment is given to students accessing the 6th grade advanced math curriculum only.
Early Childhood/PreK/ECCB
All 3 and 4 year olds are assessed using the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP):
- PreK Literacy and Language Screener (VALLS)
- Early Mathematics Assessment Screener (EMAS)
- Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS-self regulation and social skills)
Kindergarten students are assessed using the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP):
- Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS)
- Virginia Literacy (VALLS)
- Benchmark Advance
1st Grade
First grade students are assessed using:
- Virginia Literacy (VALLS)
- Benchmark Advance
- iReady Reading
- iReady Math
- Nagliari (NNAT) Abilities Test
2nd Grade
Second grade students are assessed using:
- Virginia Literacy (VALLS)
- Benchmark Advance
- iReady Reading
- iReady Math
- CogAT
3rd Grade
Third grade students are assessed using:
- Virginia Literacy (VALLS)
- Benchmark Advance
- iReady Reading
- iReady Math
- SEL screener
- SOL Reading
- SOL Math
4th Grade
Fourth grade students are assessed using:
- Benchmark Advance
- iReady Reading
- iReady Math
- SEL screener
- SOL Reading
- SOL Math
5th Grade
Fifth grade students are assessed using:
- Benchmark Advance
- iReady Reading
- iReady Math
- SEL screener
- SOL Reading
- SOL Math
- SOL Science
- Integrated Reading & Writing Assessment (IRW)
6th Grade
Sixth grade students are assessed using:
- Benchmark Advance
- iReady Reading
- iReady Math
- SEL screener
- SOL Reading
- SOL Math
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
- IAAT (*For students accessing 6th grade advanced math curriculum only)